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Coronavirus Information and Resources

The VSBA staff is hard at work from remote locations. Please continue to contact any  staff member by email  ( To reach any staff member by phone, kindly call the office (802-223-3580). Each individual's voicemail message provides her personal phone number. Thank you for your understanding.


In our current situation, we know you have questions and will likely continue to have questions regarding how schools will operate, meet instructional requirements and provide services both now and in the future. You may be wondering about issues related to governance and we have begun to circulate regular Governance Guidance.

The VSBA staff sends good health wishes to you and your family.



I. School Board Resources
  1. School District Elections Information 2021 [11/30/20]

  2. Role of the School Board in Responding to the Coronavirus

  3. Video Conference Etiquette

  4. Tips for Video Conferencing Board Meetings

  5. Open Meeting Law changes in effect during the state of emergency


II. Vermont Agency of Education​
  1. COVID-19 Information for Vermont schools 

  2. Safety and Health Guidance on Re-opening Schools, Fall 2020 [10/23/20]


III. Vermont Department of Health
  1. Current Status of COVID-19 in Vermont  

  2. Holiday Travel Toolkit for Schools

  3. VT Department of Health Twitter Page 

IV. Vermont Attorney General's Office
  1. Reasonable Accommodations Guidance
  1. NSBA Coronavirus Resources​  


VI. News Updates

  1. Gov. Phil Scott's Press Releases 


Vermont School Boards Association

2 Prospect Street, Suite 4

Montpelier VT 05602


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