VSBA Equity Definition
(shared with VSA and VPA)
Each student receives the resources and educational opportunities they need to learn and thrive.
Equity means that a student's success is not predicted nor predetermined by characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion, family economics, class, geography, ability, language, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or initial proficiencies.

Equity means that every school provides and every student has access to high quality culturally responsive curriculum, programs, teachers and administrators, extracurricular activities and support services to meet the needs of each and every student.
Equity goes beyond formal equality where all students are treated the same. Achieving equity may require an unequal distribution of resources and services.
Equity involves acknowledging and disrupting inequitable practices, acknowledging biases, employing practices that reflect the reality that all students will learn, and creating inclusive multicultural school environments for adults and children.
VSBA Resources
NEW! Reviewing Policy with an Equity Lens: As described in this video introduction, educational equity should be at the center of all decision-making; the use of an equity lens tool can provide a common vocabulary and protocol for developing and adopting policies that result in equitable outcomes for all students. This tool is intended to provide boards with guidance and resources to apply an equity lens tool to their policy work.
Educational Equity Resources & Equity Lens Tools
According to NonprofitAdvancement.org, "The purpose of an equity lens is to be deliberately inclusive as an organization makes decisions. It introduces a set of questions into the decision that help the decision makers focus on equity in both their process and outcomes." Here are some tools that may help your board facilitate an equity review.
Mid Atlantic Equity Consortium
Vermont Agency of Education Resources
Educational Equity and Diversity Professional Development Providers [NOTE: VSBA has not reviewed or evaluated this list.]
National School Boards Association Resources
Reimagining School Board Leadership: Actions for Equity Starting the Conversation
Center for Public Education Educational Equity
Intentional Allocation of Resources
Access to Rigorous Educational Programming: LifeReady Skills
Fostering Safe and Supportive School Climates
Dismantling Institutional Racism in Education (DIRE)
2023 Silver Award and Honorable Mention Winners ***Harwood Unified Union School District***
Related Resources
Vermont Ethnic and Social Equity Standards Advisory Working Group
OutRight Vermont
State of Vermont Racial Equity Advisory Panel - Equity Toolkit
Report of the Vermont Racial Equity Task Force (2020)
Kirwan Institute Implicit Bias Training (free, online, self-paced training)
Arizona School Boards Association Equity section of website
Learning Policy Institute DARE (Districts Advancing Racial Equity) Tool
MAEC, Equity Audit Tool, Released Winter 2021
Equity in a Divided Community, Talking Points for Leaders (Spring 2021)