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Superintendent Evaluation


The evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools is vital to an effective school organization. The School Board is responsible for defining organizational outcomes that are clearly and explicitly stated in order to (1) ensure the Superintendent understands what is expected; and (2) ensure the School Board understands what to expect of the Superintendent. These two points characterize a working relationship with mutual accountability.


The Supervisory Union/Supervisory District Board has the authority and responsibility to evaluate the Superintendent using an evaluation process that is objective, targeted, and based on information from sources that are qualified to provide feedback.

Important: AOE Rule Series 100: District Quality Standards (effective 7/1/2025):


     “...that all Vermont children will be afforded educational opportunities that are substantially equal in quality” and enable them to achieve or exceed the education quality standards approved by the State Board of Education. The State has ultimate responsibility for ensuring all students receive substantially equal access to a quality education. This responsibility originates from the Vermont Constitution and is more fully described in 16 V.S.A. § 1.”


Governance addressed through Priorities, Procedures, and Protocols

Governance Priority 113.1:

      ”...through an equity lens, the Board of each SU/SD and, if applicable, of each member school district within the SU, adopts a vision and measurable goals to support continuous improvement and monitors student academic progress and wellness.” Governance Priority Goal 113.1.4 states that at least annually, “the Board formally evaluates the performance of the superintendent, based in part on the superintendent's progress toward meeting agreed-upon goals.”

"The Burlington School Board relies on the VSBA each year to provide our board with the collaborative and professional expertise required in conducting a Superintendent of Schools yearly evaluation. The VSBA comes equipped with the mechanics, tools and professional management support skills throughout the entire process. Each year our board along with our district leadership team have responded with an evaluation participation rate of over 90-100% which speaks to the framework of this interactive & accessible process and survey.


As Chairperson I look forward to this yearly executive responsibility based on the outstanding services provided by the VSBA. Our board would like to thank and recognize VSBA Executive Director Sue Ceglowski for creating and compiling this evaluation tool for our board and Superintendent. 

A credible evaluation process has resulted in growth and success for our BSD Superintendent We highly recommend the VSBA for your yearly Superintendent of Schools evaluation!"


Clare Wool

Burlington School Board Chair

How will your board evaluate the Superintendent?

Here are some important considerations:​


  1. What instrument will you use?

  2. Who will complete the instrument? 

  3. How will you come to agreement on the rating(s)? 

  4. How will you come to agreement on the narrative? 

  5. Who will compile the final evaluation?

  6. What is your process for review and response?

  7. How will the board evaluate its own work?

Why use the Vermont School Boards Association?

The VSBA is often connected with the board through other supports and services and can quickly get up to speed in moving forward with an effective process.  The VSBA Superintendent Evaluation service:


  • supports boards from initial inquiry through the evaluation process and future goal development;​

  • provides feedback to the Superintendent regarding performance in key areas;

  • facilitates continuous improvement of the District/Supervisory Union; and

  • strengthens the relationship between the Superintendent and the Board.

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For further information or to request assistance with an evaluation, contact: Sandra Cameron or 802-223-3580

Vermont School Boards Association

2 Prospect Street, Suite 4

Montpelier VT 05602


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