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Code of Ethics for Vermont School Board Members

As a member of my local school board, I will remember that my primary concerns must be the educational welfare of the students in my district and excellent return on investment for taxpayers. I agree to conduct myself in accordance with the following commitments. I will:

Act within the scope of my official role:

  • Recognize that a board member’s responsibility is to see that schools are well run, but not to run them

  •  Act only as a member of the board and not assume any individual authority when the board is not in session, unless otherwise directed by the board

  • Give no directives, as an individual board member, to any school administrator or employee, publicly or privately

  • Avoid making commitments that may compromise the decision-making ability of the board or administrators.

Uphold the highest ethical standards:

  • Not receive anything of value, by contract or otherwise, from the school district or supervisory union unless it is received:

    • As a result of a contract accepted after a public bid

    • In public recognition of service or achievement

    • As a board stipend reimbursement or expense allowed by law for official duties performed as a member of such board;

  • Not solicit or receive directly or indirectly any gift or compensation in return for making a recommendation or casting a vote;

  • Agree to recuse and remove myself from board deliberation and votes when necessary to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest;

  • Not agree to the hiring of a superintendent, principal, or teacher already under contract with another school district unless assurance is first secured from the proper authority that the person can be released from his or her contract.

Respect my peers, my constituents, and confidentiality considerations:

  • Voice opinions respectfully and treat with respect other board members, administrators, school staff, and members of the public;

  • Maintain confidentiality of information and discussion conducted in executive session and uphold applicable laws with respect to the confidentiality of student and employee information;

  • Attend all regularly scheduled board meetings insofar as possible.



I agree to abide by the principles outlined in this Code of Ethics and will do everything in

my power to work as a productive member of the leadership team.

_____________________________________          ___________________________

Signature                                                                                  Date

Vermont School Boards Association

2 Prospect Street, Suite 4

Montpelier VT 05602


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