Annual Reorganization Meeting Checklist
All board members elected at the annual school district meeting take oath of office (usually by the town clerk)
Board members review the Essential Work of the School Board
Superintendent calls the meeting to order and facilitates the election of the board chair
Board Chair (ONLY one)
Once the chair is elected, he/she facilitates the remainder of the meeting.
Vice Chair (optional, but best practice)
Supervisory union board representatives (if necessary)
Distribute the standing committee charges
Discuss and/or make changes to the charges
Appoint board member(s) to each committee
Set regular board meeting schedule
Schedule annual board work session (retreat)
Designate places for posting meeting agendas & minutes
Agree on whether to use Robert’s Rules for Small Boards
Discuss and adopt Code of Ethics
Identify communications practices
Discuss board development opportunities and attendance
Discuss local and statewide education advocacy responsibilities
Designate newspaper for notification of meetings
Each SU/SD has the ability to cast one vote to ratify the agreement reached by the statewide healthcare bargaining commission. Please be sure to add appointment of the SU/SD's voting delegate for statewide health insurance to the first meeting of your SU/SD board, as the ratification process requires each SU/SD to notify the VSBA of the name, telephone number and e-mail address of its voting delegate by April 1.
Reminder: An elected board member may NOT be paid for any services within the supervisory union/supervisory district unless they have authorization from the Vermont Secretary of Education.