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NSBA represents state school boards associations and their more than 90,000 local school board members. We believe education is a civil right, and public education is America’s most vital institution.

We partnered with our state associations and created National Connection, a premium service customized to keep your school board up to date. You get exclusive benefits such as expert webinars, timely research, money-saving resources, newsletters, and more. 

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The Center for Public Education (Center) is a national resource for accurate, timely, and credible information about public education and its importance to the well-being of our nation. The Center provides up-to-date research, data, and analysis on current education issues and explores ways to improve student achievement and engage public support for public schools.


Our intended audience includes school board members and other policymakers, educators, community leaders, parents, and everyone concerned with the education of our children.


The Center is an initiative of the National School Boards Association (NSBA).

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